Stock Photography
We have an extensive file of colour slides (mostly 35mm, but also 6 x7 cm and 6 x 4.5 cm), garnered from years of magazine and book assignments.
Subjects include exotic geographica and mountain cultures. Cutting edge travel. Outdoor adventure: climbing (rock, snow and ice), skiing, (heli-ski, downhill, cross-country, telemarking), hiking, rafting, caving, mountain biking.
Geographic areas include locations on all seven continents.
North America: Canada: Alberta, B.C., NWT, North Pole, Yukon. U.S.A.: Alaska, Arizona, Utah.
South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru.
Africa: Ghana,Tanzania.
Europe: Georgia, Latvia, Switzerland.
Antarctica: Antarctic Peninsula, Ellsworth Mtns, South Pole.
Asia: Tibet, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan and Sichuan Provinces, Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang Auton. Region); Hong Kong and Macau, n. India (Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal), Indonesia (Java, Lombok, Irian Jaya), Nepal, Japan, n. Pakistan (Hunza and Baltistan). Middle East, Jordan. Russia, Kamchatka Peninsula.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Photography provided Pat a way of making a living and following a peripatetic lifestyle since his early 20s. That lifestyle continues. However, since our complete transition into video in 2001, we no longer actively work our slide files. We still have images in several photo agencies.
For many years, we were contributing editors with Equinox – Canada’s Magazine of Discovery. Pat’s image of a Kirghiz elder from the Xingjiang Autonomous Region in western China graced the cover of the charter issue in 1982. Sadly, the magazine suffered its demise in the late 90s.
Between us, we have won eight national magazine awards. Pat was a co-founder of First Light Associated Photographers, Canada’s premiere stock photography agency.
Stock Photo Agency Affiliates
First Light
333 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, ON, M5V 1R5
Tel: 800-668-2003 (Canada)
800-661-2001 (US)
Tel: 416-597-8625
Fax: 416-597-2035
Leslie Hughes, CEO
29 East 19th St, 4th floor
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 800-821-9600
Tel: 212 505 2500
Q Photo International Inc.
Wel bldg.2F 1-13-8 Ginza Chuo-ku
Tokyo, 104-0061
Tel: 81 3 3561 8751
Fax: 81 3 3564 3578