Flathead RAVE

July 2009

In mid July, Pat was invited by Wildsight, and The Wild Foundation, to film photographers from the International League of Conservation Photographers who held a Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition, or RAVE over a 10 day period in B.C.’s Flathead River Valley.

The photos and video footage these award-winning professionals shot will be used in a variety of ways to help draw attention to the industrial threats facing the area.

As icing on the cake, Pat had the good fortune to join old friends John Bergenske (exec director of Wildsight) and Harvey Locke (v.p. for Conservation Strategy, The Wild Foundation) on overnight hikes into the high country bordering Waterton and Glacier national parks, and filmed up and coming nature photographer Joe Riis in action.

Joe specializes in setting infra red camera traps, and the photos you see here were taken during the RAVE. You  can view his National Geographic Explorer’s Bio here.

For more info on the Flathead, and how you can get involved help preserve this amazing “Serengeti of the North” habitat, please visit flathead.ca

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Mountain Goats © Joe Riis

Mountain Goats © Joe Riis